News list for " katalin"

Sygnum: Every $1 billion of strategic bitcoin reserves buys or drives $20 billion market cap growth

Katalin Tischhauser, head of investment research at Swiss crypto bank Sygnum, released a new research report predicting that every $1 billion invested in the US strategic bitcoin reserve will increase the bitcoin market value by about $20 billion through the multiplier effect. The report pointed out that due to the limited supply of bitcoin liquidity, new demand will trigger a significant upward price shock, of which 19 billion US dollars growth will come from demand shock and limited supply squ...

2025-02-06 11:03:39
Sygnum:每 10 亿美元战略比特币储备购买或带动 200 亿美元市值增长

瑞士加密银行 Sygnum 投资研究主管 Katalin Tischhauser 发布最新研究报告,预测美国战略比特币储备每投入 10 亿美元资金,将通过乘数效应带动比特币市值增长约 200 亿美元。 报告指出,由于比特币流动性供应有限,新增需求会引发显著的上行价格冲击,其中 190 亿美元增长将来自需求冲击和有限供应挤压效应。Tischhauser 表示,第一、二轮 10 亿美...

2025-02-06 11:03:39
Head of Sygnum Bank: Solana, Cardano and other cryptoassets are less likely to launch spot ETFs in the United States

Katalin Tischhauser, head of investment research at Sygnum Bank, said in an interview that Solana, Cardano, and other cryptoassets are less likely to launch spot ETFs in the United States, and even if they do, they may struggle to attract investors for two main reasons: 1. The US SEC requires that approved ETFs must have a trading platform for market monitoring, but the lack of such a platform for counterfeit products such as Solana makes the SEC unable to ensure that the market is fair, transpa...

2024-08-04 23:47:22
Sygnum Bank主管:Solana、Cardano等加密资产在美国推出现货ETF的可能性较低

Sygnum Bank投资研究主管Katalin Tischhauser在接受采访时表示,Solana、Cardano和其他加密资产在美国推出现货ETF的可能性较低,即使推出也可能难以吸引投资者,主要有以下两个原因: 1.美国SEC要求批准的ETF必须有可供其进行市场监控的交易平台,但对于Solana等山寨币缺乏这样的平台,导致SEC无法确保市场公平、透明且不受操纵; 2.与比特币和以太坊相比,投资者对Sola...

2024-08-04 23:47:22
Sygnum Bank: Ethereum ETF could reach $10 billion in first year

Katalin Tischhauser, head of investment research at Sygnum Bank and a former Goldman Sachs executive, said that since Ethereum's market cap is only one-third that of bitcoin, its relative inflows are expected to be between 15-35% of bitcoin, with inflows expected to be between $5 billion and $10 billion in the first year. It also said that because ETH's value is primarily derived from income and cash flow rather than as a safe haven asset, it is "more relevant to traditional institutional invest...

2024-08-01 06:51:07
Sygnum Bank:以太坊ETF第一年资产管理规模可能达到100亿美元

Sygnum Bank投资研究主管、高盛前高管Katalin Tischhauser表示,由于以太坊的市值仅为比特币的三分之一,预计其相对流入量将在比特币的15-35%之间,第一年的流入量预计为50亿至100亿美元。 其还表示,由于ETH的价值主要来自于收入和现金流,而不是作为一种避险资产,因此“与数字黄金的概念相比,它对传统机构投资者来说更具相关性”。 Tischhauser指出,如果前几个...

2024-08-01 06:51:07